Map inspired interior decor

Maps are colorful and always interesting to look at and study. Map inspired interiors show the passion of true travelers and adventurers in the house.

World map wallpapers or even colorful subway schemes are perfect to brighten up a room.Often map wallpapers are part of the kids room interior, but they can fit very well in any other space including the hallway.

Vintage maps are a hot trend and are not only available in museums, cafes and libraries, but also are part of bold and sophisticated interior designs of various modern homes. Tapestries with contemporary design warm up large spaces like living and dining rooms as well as offices.

There are countless ways to decorate with maps which add a special look and feel to the space and hold memories of favorite routes that can even be mapped out on them. Maps on the walls catch the eye easily and they should be planned well, so that they do not overshadow the whole interior. If big wallpaper maps are too overwhelming for a small space, the travel concept can still be incorporated in the interior by some framed maps on the walls next to each other, map sticker or cartography decorative pillows on a neutral sofa.

Globetrotting while sitting on your sofa at home is an exciting experience. So, when creating a travel themed interior, think of the foreign culture you most admire and bring it to life in your home by some small pieces like a vase, decorative pillows or carpet. To make the decor even more personal add some photos, plane tickets or postcards to the map to remind you of the most unforgettable vacations.

Add an international touch to your home interior by coating the walls with maps of favorite cities and countries and complement with a collection of travel souvenirs of your own.
Let your house express your passion for travelling and tell the stories of your favorite trips.